Claret Siyuan Liu, Lab Manager & Research Assistant (2013-2015)

Senior Research Assistant

Claret received her B.S. degree in Biotechnology from Huazhong Agriculture University at China in 2006, and her M.S. degree in Genetics from Iowa State University in 2010. Claret worked with Dr. Lili Yang as a Research Assistant at the Laboratory of David Baltimore at Caltech from 2010-2013. She was a Lab Manager at the UCLA Yang Lab in 2013-2015. At the Yang Lab, she worked on studying iNKT cell biology and developing iNKT cell-based cancer immunotherapies for cancer.

Besides research, Claret enjoyed traveling, petting, cooking, and running.

After her training at the Yang Lab, Claret joined Amgen (Thousand Oaks, California) as a Scientist.